Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar is Clearing my Eczema

by Wendy
(Indiana, United States)

I would like to share my eczema story.

I get itchy, scaly, unsightly eczema on my eyelids. It was on both eyes and spreading to below the eye area as well.

It made the skin red and puffy, but leathery looking, aging me considerably.
I had tried numerous Rx and OTC medications, to not avail.

A Google search brought me to ACV. I was desperate, and I had it on hand so I gave it a try.

I mixed a T of it with a T of water, applied it with a q-tip, and the itching immediately stopped. It burns and tingled at first, but then I put Aveeno baby eczema cream on my eyes.

I have been doing this for less than a week, morning and night, and It has completely cleared on one eye, and the other just has a small patch on the eyelid.

Now I am going to begin taking it internally to gain those benefits as well!

View the original article here

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